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Nevercity Creations - Stand Alone Comics presents


3 x 60 page Comics (approx based on storyboards).

B+W With Colour Covers.

Thriller/Science Fiction/Mystery.

Release Date: TBC (2019-2022)

With Vixen's home planet's survival hanging in the balance, its very core taken by one her own sisterhood, she is sent to retrive the artifact and kill the traitor that has brought doom upon them with no apparent thought to consequence.

We join her mission as a lead has taken her to Iniquity, a cess pool of sex and violence as she negotiates with her witt and lasers to find out where her fallen sister has gone,

These comics are very much of the indepth visual persuasion over the usual style of masses of conversations. She has her mission and that is her one and only aim.

The idea of the story was very much inspired by the great Russ Meyer and Quentin Tarantino combined, and when she finally comes fully to page, will kick just as much ass.

Its saddly another comic that fell well behind schedule due to my hand injury, but it is also the one that made me forge forward and start to find and master new purely digital styles of illustration (for me personally) rather than hand drawing it all.

I then found out the hard way that my much punished but hell of a work horse laptop could not deal with the graphical/3D model side to the scope I wanted to build. So she remains concepted, scripted and started, but has temporarily stepped back to let others come forward until either my hand is better or I get an upgrade.

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