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Nevercity Creations - Stand Alone Comics presents

160 pages (approx based on script).

B+W With Colour Covers.

Psychodelic/Science Fiction/Horror.

Release Date: TBC (2020)

This story/comic was concieved around 2010 originally as two seperate ideas. One was a sculpture project of a creature attacking an unknown space travellers sleep chamber. The second was a short story I had written about a colony ship sent from earth to explore and set up base on the moon Europa, and they just mixed together perfectly. There are details still being ironed out, but the beginning, middle and end are finalised.


A Scout ship is sent off from the main Colony ship to recon up close the surface area of the proposed landing destination.

The scout ship lands, but due to poor machine readings, the ship plunges through the ice in to a cavern below. The Scout ship is damaged beyond repair, and the radios down, the small crew split in two, with one group repairing the radio, whilst the other group explore the surrounding cavern, where they find existance of marine life in the oceans below and high above lining the caverns ceilings, existance of a now seemingly extinct race of humanoids.

They are not the only invaders though, a meteorite has also punched through the moons ice crust, and with it brought a species of ruthless effective predators.

Time is running out for the crew as they try and warn the colony ship of the dangers below before they send down more scouts or make an even deadlier error of judgement.

A Little Side Note:

As I am not entirely daft, I will be the first to say that obvious film/story comparisons will be made to the synopsis given.

I can confirm a few things though:

* The 'Ruthless Effective Predators' are not bi-pedal with any quadrapedal tendancies or extra mouths.

* The Colony ship does not and will not send its best members of staff down to the surface when they lose contact with the scout crew.

* No one gets 'Pregant' in any way shape or form.


The story itself is unique, or it is at the time of writing this, as the time gets closer to release you'll see.

Also it really isn't anything close to that 'franchise' but if Neil Blomkamp ever reads this, you were robbed sir.

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