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Tales of the Nevercity - Jasper Fear

140 pages (approximately based on story boards).

B+W With Colour Covers.

Mystery/Science Fiction.

Release Date: Summer 2019,

Jasper Fear is the second part in the ‘Tales of the Nevercity’ series.  

Set throughout the 20th century and with glimpses into the 21st.

It tells the tale of New London and its governing force The MetaCog, the mighty engineering company that rebuilt the capital after the great fire and restored order.

Through The MetaCog’s advancement of technology, New London has become a marvel to behold, from its copper and steam beginnings to displays of the most beautiful automata in the world, making it the true city of the future. 

Once again they are about to make history within the world of machine and mankind itself. Sebastian Francis, whose love of complex and life like automata is The MetaCog’s fresh face of research and development, Along with his assistant Adeline Rose and best friend Abraham Faust. Their task, to create an automaton machine that can be bested by no other, a machine that would win all wars to come before it, and fear no enemy…

A Machine called Jasper Fear.

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