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Nevercity Creations - Stand Alone Comics presents

Mech and Me

60 page Comic (approx based on storyboards).

B+W With Colour Covers.

Comedy/Science Fiction.

Release Date: TBC (2019-2021)

Mech and Me is a short journey in to the life of a good hearted person, who believes all life, AI or real deserves a chance, Despite the corrupt machines that went insane and tried to kill everyone 200 years ago.

We follow our female lead Delilah, a historian, mechanic and wish she could be adventurer/rebel, as she goes about her routine checks on the fallen behemoth machines that once tried to eliminate the human race.

But this day, her lucky day, she discovers a faint energy signal coming from one of the machines up in the hills and upon closer inspection, an adventure reveals itself as she discovers and befriends a harmless yet loopy service droid that has been stuck talking to itself for 200 years, unable to move due to an EMP pulses taking out his motor drives when the war had finally fallen in humanities favor.

With a ban on any robots being re-commisioned from the time of the war, Delilah takes a risk and fixes up her new robotic friend, much to the disaproval of her assigned cyberlion co-worker. 

As she discovers the split personalities he has developed over the years, along with a fear of spiders and a 180 year long obsession with learning how to  knit.

Nothing could go wrong... right?

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